PRAYER WEEK: As we have for many years, in the New Year, we will have a dedicated time for prayer, devotion and fasting as a church family. This year, we are focusing on a WEEK OF PRAYER. Beginning Sunday January 2nd and running through Saturday January 8th, we will be focusing upon the AWESOMENESS of JESUS. On the link below, you can find resources to help you: daily prayer points, an entire devotional, free downloads, videos and resources to help you everyday. I will also attach to this email, some resources you can print and keep handy. During this WEEK OF PRAYER, I want to encourage you to fast. Fast something that your body (carnal man) will miss, make it a sacrifice. Perhaps a food item, an entire meal or even the entire week. Whatever the Holy Spirit may be leading you to do. Fasting enhances your walk with Christ. It’s a biblical way of denying your carnal man, and feeding your spirit man. Make sure to add more scripture and prayer to your week. Fasting is not only about doing without, but it is adding more. Some of you may feel led to more before the WEEK OF PRAYER, and move into 21 or 30 days. I encourage you to follow the Holy Spirit’s leading. But, for the 1st full week of 2022, for 7 days, let’s pull together and set the foundation for an ‘awesome’ 2022 together.
Here’s the link: