The alarm has sounded:

  1. Pray that the COVID-19 pandemic will end. If God can heal the sick miraculously, He can end a plague. Remember that this pandemic is having much more devastating impact on developing countries.

  2. Pray for an end to riots and violence. The peaceful protests that began in May to honor George Floyd have morphed into something unrecognizable. Predominantly white anarchists have hijacked a movement. Pray for peace.

  3. Pray for a peaceful election on Nov. 3. People are on edge these days because of fears of voter fraud. Pray for fairness and accurate ballot counts—and no rioting.

  4. Pray for leaders who have character, moral values, courage and wise policies. I hope all Christians can agree that we need leaders who have respect for God's standards. Pray for voters to select the best candidates to lead our country. The 2020 election is not just a contest between President Trump and Joe Biden. We will also choose 35 U.S. senators and 96 members of the U.S. House of Representatives.

  5. Pray for racial justice. We cannot ignore the fact that people of color have suffered in this country because of discrimination and racist attitudes. Pray for a true change in people's hearts.

  6. Pray for reconciliation and an end to hatred and division. Whether we are feuding on social media, arguing on TV talk shows, shouting profanity at each other in the streets or throwing bricks at crowds, many people have become ticking time bombs. Pray that God will defuse this hostility.

  7. Pray for freedom to preach the gospel. I am more concerned about the restrictions that may come in the future if government leaders begin telling the church what we can and can't say from a pulpit or online. Pray that our religious freedoms will be safeguarded.

  8. Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit. If America turns totally away from God, we will drift so far morally that we will fall off the cliff. But an election is not going to save us. A political party cannot save us. We need the rain of heaven. Our ultimate prayer must be, "Lord, send a revival."
